Yellow Watermelon and AFAM

Watermelon and the rhyme

One rhyme on watermelon which my son sings when he relishes this juicy fruit is
Watermelon, watermelon,
Tastes so yummy, tastes so yummy,
Green on the outside,
Red on the inside,
With black seeds, with black seeds.

Akash refused to accept yellow melon simply because watermelon was not red inside! How will he when he sings the above song(?) where it says watermelon is red inside! Probably I have to change the rhyme to make him accept yellowmelon. hahhaaaa... the rhyme for seedless yellow melon may go something like this............

Watermelon, watermelon,
Tastes so yummy, tastes so yummy,
Green on the outside,
Yellow on the inside,
No seeds, No seeds easy to eat!

Yellowwatermelon Juice with spice

Ingrediants :

Yellow Watermelon (seedless) - 2 big cups of sliced fruit
Honey - 1tbsp
Peppercorns - 2 (crushed)
Lime/Lemon - juice from half lemon
Salt - 1/4 tsp
Ice Cubes - as required
Mint Leaves for garnishing


Remove rind and cube watermelon into large pieces. Puree watermelon and strain it into large pitcher. Add honey, crushed peppercorns, lemon juice and salt, mix thoroughly. Check the taste and adjust the spiciness or sweetness according to your taste and add ice cubes. Garnish with Mint leaves and serve chilled.

Yellow Watermelon Punch


Yellow Watermelon - 2 big cups
Lime Juice - Juice from half lime
Sugar as per taste
Ice cubes and water


Remove the rind and slice watermelon into big cubes. Puree watermelon and strain it into large pitcher. To the strained juice add the juice from 1/2 lime and sugar. Add water to make up required quantity. Check the sweetness before it is served chill with ice cubes.

This is my entry for AFAM hosted by lovely Bee of Jugalbandi .


  1. thanks for your entries. have never seen yellow watermelon before. it looks gorgeous.

  2. Hahaha!! Kids these days!! Yellow Melon looks so wonderful,I have never seen it so far.With subtle spices ,it must taste great.Thanks girl.
    Visit FH when you can,got Woodland's Dosa!:D

  3. the drink looks very refreshing with honey and have been tagged check out my blog

  4. @ bee
    thanks bee for accepting my entries. Yellowmelon tastes yummy...

  5. Hi Asha,
    Woodlands Dosa :-)! hehee will visit FH right away! thanks for dropping by my blog.

  6. @ Roopa,
    thanks for tagging me roopa. Will visit your blog too..

  7. The yellow melon looks great yet to taste this one is on my must buy list now....the drink seems like the perfect anti dote for the heat these days ....I will try it with the red melon which I have at home :-)

  8. @ Spice of Life
    thanks for the comment Nupur. Do give a try, it tastes great!

  9. yellow water melon does it taste ? ....this one is really refreshing ....

  10. @ Deepa,
    Hi Deepa, Yellow Melon tastes gr8. Do try yellow watermelon if it is available at your place.

  11. lovely color, would like to try this next time i get the yellow melon :)

  12. I never seen yellow watermelon,,first time that too from your blog only....i was looking with great surprise..Juice with spices seems very interesting..thanks for sharing.

  13. @ Richa,

    Yellowwatermelon looks gorgeous and tastes yum...........Do give a try when you get it.

  14. @ Usha,
    It was my first time with yellow watermelon in Singapore. The sweetness of the melon, rich taste of honey with subtle amount of spice resulted in a tasty juice. Give it a try with red w.melon if yellow w.melon is not available.

  15. Nice entry! Do you get yellow water melon too! I didn't knew this...How does it taste though? lil curious to know, Thanks for visiting my blog, feels good!

  16. Hi Padma, It tastes good,the taste is very near to red w.melon. Somewhere on the internet I read it is available in US too. Do give a try if u get to buy yellow w.melon.

  17. woh..yellow water melon.does this tastes different?
    Juice looks sweet and spicy:)
    Good Entry.

  18. @ Prajusha
    The taste is near to red melon. The juice is very refreshing, give a try with red melon, if yellow melon is not availble.

  19. I love the watermelon song.. :)

  20. @ Grihini,
    The song taught by Akash school teacher! They have similar songs for several fruits, well I love his songs too..


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