BBB aka Bisibelebhath/ Bisi Bele Bhath

BBB aka Bisibelebhath (Bisi=Hot, Bele=dal/lentil, baath=rice) is most famous in Karnataka. Infact, one of my friend who appreciates Bangalore for wide variety of food was amused when she first saw the food list in one of the Darshinis (fast food chain). She says 'it started with chow chow bhath and continued with series of bhaths ending on BBB' She exactly remembered what she read and the list goes..Chow Chow Bhath, Khara Bhath, Tomato Bhath, Masale Bhath, Vangibhath, Bisibelebhath..whew!...she said..astonished at the varieties of 'bhath' availability. Among all, she loved BBB and I have heard many good reviews about this BBBhath from many people. It is one of our favorite dish too.


Indian Style Spicy Porridge

Blog:       Author: Lakshmi Grandhim
Preparation time : 20                   Cooking  Time : 30mins       Total Time Taken : 1hr
              Serves : A family of 5                           

350g : Rice
150g:  Toor dal + Masoor dal (mix in equal proportions)
200g: Mixed Vegetables (Carrot, French Bean, Broad Beans, Potato, Tomato, Onion)
  20g: Dried Green Peas soaked for at least 12hrs
10ml: Oil
A big pinch: Turmeric

Masala To Fry (or Roast) and  Grind
2” piece: Cinnamon
4 pieces: Cloves
8 numbers: Red Chillies  (add more if you like it hot)
A small piece: Japatri
1 number: Star Anise
1 number: Bay leaf
2 Tbsp: Coriander Seeds
1tsp: Cumin Seeds
1 + 1 Tbsp: Chana dal + Urid Dal
5 numbers : Fenugreek Seeds
4Tbsp: Grated Fresh Coconut
3/4tbsp: Grated Dry Coconut

1 Tbsp: Ghee
1 tbsp: Broken cashew nuts
10 leaves: Curry leaves
1 big Pinch: Hing
1 number: Red Chili Broken into pieces

Tamarind extract and Salt to taste

Method :
1.       Cook Rice + 1 Tsp Salt + Soaked Greed peas in a pressure Cooker
2.       Cut all vegetables. Soak dal for 20 mins.
3.      Heat oil in a pan and all vegetables except Onion and Tomato, toss well. Switch off the stove. Combine vegetables, Soaked Dal, Turmeric, Onion and Tomato and pressure cook for 4 whistles.
4.      Fry spices listed under Fry & Grind in a tsp of oil. Do not fry coconut. Grind all the ingredients with coconut and water to make a smooth paste.  
5.      Mix rice and dal. Pour in ground masala paste, tamarind extract, salt. Add little more water if needed. Bring this boil.   
6.      Heat ghee in a pan. Add cashew nuts, mustard seeds, hing, curry leaves and red chili. When mustard stops spluttering, pour the seasoning over prepared bisibelebhath.
7.      Taste bisibelebhath. Adjust salt and sour levels.

Serving Suggestions:
1.          Bisibelebhath is typically served with khara boondi or Potato Chips
2.       A simple raita (yogurt with onion, tomato, cucumber) goes very well with bhath.

1.       Bisibelebhath should be little watery consistency.  
2.       Fry or roast spices separately and then grind them together. Some spices like fenugreek seeds very little time to fry while others might take little longer time.
3.      Shake japatri on a hot pan. Do not over fry it as it loses it aroma.
4.      Serve warm and with lots of love  


Old Recipe:

Few other friends had also requested for BBB recipe, so here you go with the making of BBB:
Ingrediants :
Rice : Toor Dal 1:1
Vegetables : carrot, kohlrabi, frenchbeans, peas, tomato, pearl onions
Tamarind Paste - 2tbsp, Salt
For Masala :
Chanadal : 1tbsp
Uraddal: 1tbsp
Coriander seeds : 1tbsp
Methi seeds : 4seeds
Nutmeg powder : 1/4tsp
Poppy Seeds : 1tbsp (Singapore people can use cashew nuts)
Dessicated dry coconut : 5tbsp
Red Chillies : 15 (adjust to your spice level)
Clove : 4
Cinnamon : 1'' stick
MTR BBB powder : 1tbsp (optional, it adds good flavor)
Tampering :
Ghee : 2tbsp
Cashewnuts :10
Curry leaves from 1 line

Procedure :
1.Wash and drain rice and toor dal separately. Do not mix.
2. Cut vegetables in desired shape.
3. Pressure cook dal, rice and vegetables separately.
4. Roast all masala ingrediants except dry coconut. Grind them with little water to a smooth paste.
5. Prepare tampering in a separate vessel and keep it aside.
6. In a heavy bottomed pan, add ghee (1tbsp) and when it is hot add tamarind paste and masala paste. Let it boil, when masala gets cooked, add salt, followed by dal, rice and vegetables. Bring them to boil. Add more water to make it a bit watery. Once salt, sour levels are adjusted, add tampering and switch off the stove. Cover the vessel and let it stand for 5-7 mins. Once the flavors are settled, serve it with raita and potato chips .

Another closer look:


  1. BBB!!! Woman!!! DO NOT make me crave for some now! I am relaxing on Sunday!!!!!!!;D

  2. Ah, this is my favorite. It has been a long time since I made this as I am tired of MTR powder. Will use your recipe.

  3. BBB is Naveen and my all time fav!!!! I have one version on my blog too... I guess every kannadiga will have their own version and each one tasting equally good!!!

  4. looks nice Lakshmi:) I'm yet to try this one dish!!

    btw, you can still send in your entry for Game Night event:)

  5. This is an absolute favorite of mine and i love how wholesome it is. I grind the spices too.

  6. BBB is my fav too. but I do it rarely b'coz of the time it takes. Your cup of BBB looks so good and mouth-watering. Thanks for sharing your version.

  7. I am pregnant and your entries are killing me :) have to go make some BBB NOW!

  8. @ Chaitra,
    Good Luck with your pregnancy dear. Do make some BBB, your baby will enjoy it!!!

  9. @All,
    Thanks Girls and hugs to you all. Enjoy your stay at TOM.

    @ Chaitra,
    Good Luck with your pregnancy dear. Do make some BBB, your baby will enjoy it!!!

  10. Bisi Bele Baath is an absolutely delicious dish and its great when the recipe comes from a person originating from Karnataka which gives more authenticity to the dish
    -sukanya, singapore

  11. OMG, this looks great. I usually make mine with Pooah.. I think that's how's it spelled.. my mom sends me the BBB poodi from India.. yum

  12. I tried your BBB n it tasted really good despite not using MTR powder n nutmeg....thanks a lot...just 1 thing..can u tell me how long u let the tamarind n masala paste to cook...I did for 5 mins...

  13. @Anonymous,
    I let it the masala paste cook it the raw smell goes away from it, it usually takes 5 mins or less. So you have done a good job too. Thanks for the feedback :)

  14. hey thanks for the reply! i should also tell u that this was the best that my hubby liked after abt 3-4 diff trials from diff sites!! he wanted a little more masala so would add more cloves n cinnamon stick next time...what does the chef suggest??

  15. @indira, I would suggest you to increase cloves bcos cinnamon only makes it more aromatic. You can consider adding mace (japatri/japatre) if u have at home. Thanks for the feedback :) appreciate it.

  16. thanks LG for the suggestion...but I don think i 'll get that in dubai...the taste is good anyways!!

  17. its my favorite:)thanks for sharing recipe

  18. Anonymous02 June, 2014

    I'm curious what prompted new recipe? Do you like it better?

  19. Dear Anonymous, Recipes and taste evolve with time. Both are good, it is about individual likes towards the ingredients which goes into the making of BBB. I have tasted various versions of BBB and in each version I find a different joy when I savor it. 'Enjoy' is my word :)


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