Chigali Undi/Unde; Black Sesame Laddu

We hindus celebrate Nagpanchami to pay respect to Nagas/Snakes. We offer milk and other offerings to Nagdevatas/Snake gods. We either worship the statue of Snake or offer milk to snake pits. One such offering which is made by most of us in Karnataka is Chigali Undi /Unde. It is a laddu made of black sesame seeds and jaggery. A simply simple preparation which is tasty. When laddu is made for offering, sesame seeds are not roasted. We make a separate batch of laddu's for casual eating where sesame is roasted. Here is how we make chigali undi/unde.

You need the following :
Black Sesame seeds : 1 cup (sesame seeds are cleaned and made free from dust)
Jaggery : 1/2 cup (grated)
Sprinkle little water over black sesame seeds and pan roast them. Sprinkling water avoids jumping (yes you read it right) up of sesame seeds from pan; Mix sesame seeds and jaggery and pulse it in a blender till sesame seeds are powdered and gets blended with jaggery. Remove from blender and make them into laddus. No ghee/oil needed to make these laddus. Enjoy them!

Edited to Add: If you feel that making laddus is not possible with the powder, just sprinkle little milk and then make laddus.

Sending this undi/unde to SWC-Karnataka hosted by Sheetal of My Kitchen , to EC who is hosting Color in Food event , and to Sweet series -Chikki and Laddu by Paajaka

Dibs says my blog header makes her nostalgic and she has passed me Brilliante Weblog Premio award. Thanks to you Dibs for thinking of me. Sukanya has give me BFF friendship award. Thanks Sukanya I will cherish this blogging friendship forever. Suma Rajesh has passed me rocking girl blogger award. Thanks Suma! You rock too :)!

I would like to give Brillante Weblog award to

Priyanka of Asan Khana
Sowmya of Creative Saga
Lore of Culinarty
Vanisri of Illatharasi
Priti of Indian Khana
Sheetal of MyKitchen

I would love to pass BFF gold friendship award to :

Suma of Suma's Cuisine
Maya of Konkan World
Purva Desai of Purvas Daawat
Sia of Monsoon Spice
Sukanya of Hot n Sweet Bowl
EC of Easy Crafts
Ramya Bala of Ramya Cooks
SriLekha of Me and My Kitchen

I would like to pass rocking girl blogger award to Dibs of Chitra Amma's Kitchen and Sukanya of Sukanya's Musings


  1. this looks quiet authentic,..nice colour too...nd thans alotz for the award...

  2. I never tasted such a laddu, it looks very shiny and pretty :)Congrats on ur awards!

  3. nice one lakshmi.Have never tried making til ladoo, though i have tasted it..but your recipe is bit different...the ones I have tasted, the til was as it wasn't grinded..i will try your way..can we do it with white til..
    Btw, thanks for the award...

  4. @ Priyanka,
    Thanks dear. ya..try it sometimes black sesame seeds give a earthy flavor to laddu.

    @ Cham,
    Thanks Cham..try it. It is made only once a year during nagpanchami at home. Black is beautiful looks n in taste :)

    @ Sowmya
    Most of the laddus have til in its whole form we grind it. It is made on nagpanchmi day only. You can use white sesame seeds, we do grind and make a similar preperation but we did not make laddus we eat it in its powder form with rice noodles... You can make laddus of white til too, try it with little til..

  5. Laddu looking gud...Again reminding of chennai...use to get this in provision shops :(:(...gud old days ...Congrat's for all the award and Thanks for passing to me :)...and you have a award too in my blog ;)

  6. I've not seen this laddu before. But I know it tastes great.:)
    How? Because we make these laddus but with whole black sesame seeds. We don't grind them.

  7. Laddu looks really nice... good entry for the events and a big thanks for the Award...

  8. these are so healthy too! My mother makes black til laddoos, and she powdered the roasted til first, and adds hot jaggery paste to form the mix. She adds plain roasted nuts at times, without using any ghee. I love your recipe, and will try this soon:-)

  9. congrats on all the awards!:-)

  10. @ Priti,
    Thanks for giving me BFF award. I will cherish your blogging friendship forever.

    Nice to know your way of making laddu :)

    @ Sheetal,
    Thanks Sheetal.

    Welcome to TOM. Enjoy laddus.

  11. hehhehe..I got to eat these without any efforts as a neighbour of mine gave these to me for the festival...congrats on the award and thanks for passing it to me and thanks for the entry too

  12. Til laddu is my favorite laddu ....My mom makes the same way......Laddu looks mouthwatering.......

  13. black ladoo seems to be healthy and delicious..v used to make in krishna jayanthi....thanks for passing the award..

  14. Congratulations Laxmi on awards. Laddo looks very delicious. These ladoo are new to me so thanks for sharing

  15. new recipe for me1 thanks for sharing!thanks for ur award!

  16. this is one of my favvv ladoo,looks soo good

  17. Unde looks yummy, I've not tasted it before..Congrats on all your awards LG and thank you so much for passing an award to me. Really honoured :)..

  18. Nice ladoo.... I love til recipes, but I am afraid to eat til because its too heat to the body :(

    Congrats for the award and thanks for passing it to me!

  19. awards for you in my blog!!

  20. a treat for u in my blog!

  21. Laddu looks really nice... good entry for the events ....nice...

  22. congrats and thanks girl for the award :)

  23. Thank you for the award Lakshmi! I'm glad you like my blog :)

  24. I've never heard of a laddoo without ghee or oil. This looks fantastic!

  25. This looks really delicious, and got to know that one can prepare these laddus without oil / ghee....
    we make similar kind of laddu with black sesame seed called as Kachariyun......
    we too celebrate Nagpanchami by eating khichdi and milk on that day...
    Congrats on receiving all the awards and thank you for passing me the award

  26. thanks for the award..I have a small treat for you here...

  27. chigli looks nice .. my tatha loves it .. nice entry for swc-karnataka :)

  28. I have had the white til laddoo but the black sesame laddoo is new to me..They look good LG and congrats on your awards ..Enjoy!!

  29. The undes look nice. Thanks for the award

  30. u ve a Brilliant treat waiting for u, grab it from my blog

  31. wow,this is such a cute laddu. Love the color and the soft texture. Nice traditional recipe. Congrats on all your awards.

  32. Looks so yummy and is easy to make too. Great entry.

  33. Hey ...How did I miss this?! Thanks so much for the award!

  34. This is a nice recipe it would taste great, I will surely give it a try some time.
    I also found some interesting recipes at , may be you all can visit it.

  35. Anonymous29 May, 2009

    Hi the recipe is quite unique and authentic its hard to find something like this.

    Chech out

  36. Thanks will try this to prepare ladoo,

  37. thnks for detailed recipe,helped me a lot while preparing,..


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