Chutney for Buttermilk ~ Keep it Ready-Kitchen Essentials

If Oggarane is one of the essentials of South Indian kitchen, buttermilk is something we all love to drink after a major meal. Buttermilk is thinned down plain 'no-flavor' yogurt. A little chutney is added to this thinned down yogurt and allowed to stand for 10 mins and served chilled :)


Make 2-3 tbsp of this chutney and it makes atleast 12 glasses of  buttermilk which serves my purpose for a week. You can store this chutney in your refrigerator in a airtight container for a week.

You need the following for making chutney :
Ginger : 4" big piece
Green Chillies : 2 (1 big and 1 tiny ;)
Garlic : 1 small pod
Cumin : 1 tbsp
Coriander leaves : 2 tbsp (chopped)
salt : 1 tsp
Grind everything to coarse paste and store in a container.
Method :
Add 1 tsp of this chutney and little salt to 1 tbsp of plain 'no-flavor' thick yogurt. Add required amount of water and stir well.
Add oggarane and serve chilled or without chilling it. You can garnish with chopped coriander leaves.




  1. I was wondering what on earth does chutney for buttermilk mean... when I saw the title of your post... and after reading it, I think that is a brilliant idea.
    It is good to have the mix on hand and relish it everytime with buttermilk. Cool.
    I am bookmarking it.

  2. ummmm that is one flavourful buttermilk... i am thirsty!!!

  3. Chutney for majjige ? cool idea. Feels like having some right now.

  4. Its quite interesting too LG, gonna try soon..

  5. Oh you clever girl!! Very smart of you to think of that. YUMMY and easy to make whenever you need a quick majjige to drink or for rice at lunch time. Enjoy, see you next week! :))

  6. Yummy...Sssslurrrrrp :)

  7. this looks interestin,..perfect for the comun summer,.gonn try this,..:-)

  8. love the idea of storing it and making buttermilk as and when required :-)

  9. In winter and rainy season ,i generally don't have buttermilk ,coz i enjoy it cool and anything cold except in summer season gives me sore throat .Then i once had this gingered cumin flavored buttermilk at one hillstation restaurant and amazingly even after drinking few glasses at stretch(yes i actually slurped 4)i was not sneezing and coughing as usual after drinking buttermilk.Ginger worked wonders.isnt it? never heard of chutney but except garlic i too add rest of things now to my glass of delicious drink

  10. Thats really a neat one LG..nice series!

  11. i love this spicy buttermilk..looks good..

  12. Hi Lakshmi,
    I started on a new job this week and came home exhausted everyday. A glass of buttermilk with
    this chutney and oggarane immediately energized me..

    Thank you so much!!
    P Priya


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