Our little prince completed a year so, there were enough reasons for the older one to celebrate with his favorite carrot halwa. Both children seem to have contrasting taste. The older likes 'sweets' but the younger one does not like it..err..choclate is an exception!
Here is carrot halwa for you all:
Carrots: 5 big (you can see in the picture above)
Ghee/clarified butter : 2tbsp
Plain Khova/Mava: 4tbsp
Non Fat Milk : 200ml
Sugar: 1/2 th the qty of grated carrots (1cup grated carrots=1/2 cup sugar)
Adjust sugar according to your taste
Dried nuts and fruits for garnishing
1. In a non stick pan fry carrots with a tbsp of ghee till water from carrots evaporate.
2. Add milk to the carrots and mix. Cover and cook for 2-3 mins till carrots are tender. Open the lid and cook till 3/4th of milk evaporates.
3. Add sugar, remaining ghee and cook till sugar has dissolved well. You now have halva which starts coming together to the center of the pan.
4. Add khova/mava and mix well. Cook for 1-2 mins till mava mixes completely with the rest of the mass.
5. Switch off the stove and remove to a serving bowl. Garnish with your desired nuts and serve.
6. Hot halva with cold vanilla icecream are a slurrrrrpy and yummy combination :D
Above picture shows 3 different stages of carrot halwa. Frying, cooking with milk and adding mava...
And finally the finished product- Carrot Halwa...
With this sweet note, I would like to share a mantra which I believe, helps you to give some confidence while looking for a new job. Thanks to Sandhya for sharing it with me.
"Sreedevihi Amrutatbhuta Kamalchandra Shobhana Vishnu Patni Vaishnavi Swararohacha Saarangini Deva Devi Maha Lakshmi Sasindri”