Coffee, Kaapi

Coffee, Kaapi  
Anytime Coffee photo coffee3_zpsd71cca34.jpg

Our day starts with a cup of freshly brewed 'Kaapi'. How about yours?

Freshly Brewed Coffee :

Bru Filter Coffee Powder : 2 heaped tablespoons
Water : 250ml (approx 2 Cups of water)
Milk- 1/2 cup

You need a coffee filter to brew coffee.

Boil water. Meanwhile, add 2 tablsepoon full of coffee powder into the filter.
Pour hot water over the powder into the filter. Close the lid and wait for 10 mins.
Tap the filter gently with a spoon for the water to trickle down. Decoction is ready.

Photo Courtesy : Wikipedia
Boil milk in a bowl and add sugar. Mix well.
Pull the hot milk between two cups to have a frothy milk.
Slowly, add in hot decoction. Serve immediately.

Monday to Sunday, Day or Night, Coffee is a must......

Coffee photo coffee5_zpsba34ac0e.jpg

We have it with our breakfast like this...

Snack time, cuppa is a must...
Coffee-Food photo Coffee1_zps06b6ed1d.jpg

Dose, bonda etc jote Coffee illa andre hege heli matte??

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Coffee is for all time, any time :)

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  1. My day too start with coffee only,lovely dear

  2. Finally this post :) whenever I prepare filter coffee at ome I think of you ,thanks for this post even I start my day with coffee,..:)

  3. Nothing can beat filter coffee,nice post

  4. Cant start my day without a cup of coffee.Love it.

  5. I too love filter coffee. I usually drink black coffee, but sometimes I add soy milk or almond milk.

    Growing up in Bangalore, I used to enjoy drinking coffee in Kamat restaurant. My father, mother , sister and I would go to kamat's for hot masasala dosas and filter coffee...


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